We all like to save money and shopping at Cannich Stores can save you plenty. There are the daily, weekly and monthly promotions on items right across our range; quite often our prices are the same or better than the big stores.

But now you can save even more by joining our Loyalty Card program, by signing up for the program you will earn points for every pound (£) you spend in store each and every day.  Throughout the year we will run special promotions that may include bonus points or special deals and discounts for card holders; saving you even more money.  If that is not enough, the points you earn can be redeemed at any time for discounts on your purchases so you can always save when shopping at Cannich Stores.

To join the program apply today in store by asking our staff for an application form or you can , apply online today of course some Terms & Conditions do apply so please read those before joining.
